Booty x Body with Shante - 12 week workout guide eBook

Booty x Body with Shante - 12 week workout guide eBook


Booty X Body with Shante

If you are aiming for a peachy booty then this plan is for you. Every week you will perform full body workouts, but the main focus will be on your lower body. The 12 week program is split into 3 phases, each 4 weeks long, with new exercises and routines being introduced in each phase to increase the level of intensity.

Duration:  12 weeks

Location:  Gym based

Workouts per week:  I have created this program so you can either choose from a 5-day workout split or a 4-day workout split, depending on how many times you can make it to the gym and how much volume you would like to perform.

You will need: A fully equipped gym. Barbell and Plates, Resistance band & Big loop resistance band, Adjustable Bench, Squat rack/Smith machine, Pull-up bar, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, 45-Degree hyper, Cable machine, High step/box, Ab wheel roller, Parallel bars, Seated abduction machine, Pec Deck Machine, Leg press machine, Treadmill/ Stepper/ Stairmaster/ Cycle/ Rower.

*If you don’t have some of the above equipment in your gym, you can still purchase the guide as there are alternative exercises provided in the program. You can also drop me an email and I will be more than happy to suggest and advise alternative options.

Cardio: Low, a combination of HIIT & LISS twice per week.

Focus: Booty! This gym based program focuses on your lower body however, during the week includes exercises that will target your full body.

Level: Beginner/ Intermediate

Booty x Body with Shante workout guide can be purchased worldwide and you will be able to download a PDF document ready to use straight away on all your devices.

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This 12 week booty focused guide is designed to strengthen and build your booty. However, the guide also includes throughout the week, exercises that target your entire body. This 139 page guide is jam-packed full of information shown in the key features below, to ensure you get the most out of your workouts.

Key features:

-Getting to know me

-Why glute training is important

-How muscle grows (hypertrophy scientific background)

-The Benefits of lifting weights

-Setting goals

-A nutritional guide of macros/micros

-How to calculate your own macros to help you design your own meal plan

-Hydration/ Alcohol

-Meal timings

-Eating out and food on the go

-Reading food labels

-Supplement background

-SMART shopping list

-Healthy recipes/ Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner/ Snacks & Desserts

-Cardio (HIIT & LISS)

-How to intensify your workouts

-Exercise finishers

-Ab blasters

-Glute activation

-Glute burnout

-Mobility/ stretching

-Gym hack

-Printable progressive overload table & measurement/ weight tracker

-Detailed 12 week workout program

- Rest & recovery

-Tips to stay motivated and organised

-Dealing with intimidation in the gym

-Shante's secret tips

-Exercise glossary with pictures for each individual exercise & link to all video demonstrations