Mini Band 101 guide EBook

Mini Band 101 guide EBook


Mini band 101 is an exercise guide with over 50+ full body exercises that you can perform with your mini band anywhere, at any time. This guide has been created to help you get the most out of your resistance band training. Mini band 101 contains details on how resistance band training works on your muscles along with the science behind it, full exercise instructions along with form and technique points, suggested exercise repetitions and sets, picture demonstrations of every single exercise, how to maintain and look after your resistance band and what precautions to take when using the mini band.

Location: Anywhere

You will need: A mini resistance band

Focus: Full body - Exercises are divided into lower body and upper body/core

Level: Beginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced

Mini band 101 can be purchased worldwide and you will be able to download a PDF document ready to use straight away on all your devices.

*Please note - if you have purchased a mini resistance band from Shante Franca you will receive this PDF guide for free with your band. It will be emailed to you after your purchase.